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Dedicated Proxy Data-center
You can use a proxy in Key Collector to collect key phrases from WordStat from Yandex and compose a semantic kernel. The same proxy is suitable for promoting accounts in social networks - Vkontakte, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, OK.ru and placing ads on Avito or OLX. For convenient work with accounts in social networks.

Real network working with Survey sites. The transport layer of 1 GB/s added to the underlying network for maximum speed and reliability. UNLIMITED Monthly Bandwidth IPv4 IP Types desktops, laptops, mobile devices, and tablets. Devices HTTP, HTTPS, & Socks5. Proxy Protocols Username & Password Authentication Method Proxifier, ProxyCap, Multi-Login App, Blue Stacks, Google Adwords, Bing Ads, POF, Dating, Sneakers, and More Compatible With.

1 Static IP 2 GB RAM 2 CPU CORE 50 GB Storage
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